Even though centuries have passed, with alternating historical and cultural periods, contended between Spoleto and Terni, Lizori is still a Panic and privileged place, symbolising humanistic conviviality and positive society.
While cruising along the road that leads from Spoleto to Assisi, close to the Clitunno springs, you’ll notice a small village on the mountain. Your curiosity will lead to know more about that place. So, seize the day and walk on the village, along the only road that leads to Lizori, in its medieval ancient walls.
No doubt all places have their own atmosphere and charm, elements of inspiration for artists, but Lizori has something different, intimate and sweet. It has a personality that suddenly shows, and if you are lucky enough to visit it, you will find a surprising candour which rejoices your soul. A group of Italian journalists defined Lizori a place to live and breathe wonderful scents.
domenica 25 novembre 2012
Lizori and OntoArt
antonio meneghetti,
giovedì 25 ottobre 2012
The school of a Leader
being a leader today is one of the main characteristics of individuality, and
that is also a huge goal. The word leader has many meanings, and it often
implies a lack of correspondence between the meaning and the subject who
represents it.
After being a successful therapist for years, at the beginning of the 80s Meneghetti decided to develop the field of leadership according to the ontopsychological school (see the book “The psychology of a leader”).
According to Antonio Meneghetti, “whatever his field of action may be – financial, economical, political, entrepreneurial, medical, etc., a leader is a providence of the spirit in the world, and as such he can help people. He is the one who, through his own successful egoism, achieves social good for everybody. In so doing, he creates wealth and helps thousands of people, being a stimulus for society and helping progress”.
These are the bases on which Professor Antonio Meneghetti created a school for the training of leaders who operate in many social fields (politics, economics, art, etc) through the authentication of the intellectual and creative potential.
The best way of training is the Residence, i.e. a residential stage which lasts a few days, with theoretical and practical lessons, on contact with a clean nature.
Of course, Lizori is the perfect habitat to host people coming from all over the world.
Together with a natural and hospitable landscape, the halls and rooms of Lizori retain an atmosphere of sand and stone, making them ideal venues for hosting post degree courses and other activities.
After being a successful therapist for years, at the beginning of the 80s Meneghetti decided to develop the field of leadership according to the ontopsychological school (see the book “The psychology of a leader”).
According to Antonio Meneghetti, “whatever his field of action may be – financial, economical, political, entrepreneurial, medical, etc., a leader is a providence of the spirit in the world, and as such he can help people. He is the one who, through his own successful egoism, achieves social good for everybody. In so doing, he creates wealth and helps thousands of people, being a stimulus for society and helping progress”.
These are the bases on which Professor Antonio Meneghetti created a school for the training of leaders who operate in many social fields (politics, economics, art, etc) through the authentication of the intellectual and creative potential.
The best way of training is the Residence, i.e. a residential stage which lasts a few days, with theoretical and practical lessons, on contact with a clean nature.
Of course, Lizori is the perfect habitat to host people coming from all over the world.
Together with a natural and hospitable landscape, the halls and rooms of Lizori retain an atmosphere of sand and stone, making them ideal venues for hosting post degree courses and other activities.
antonio meneghetti,
The Amphitheatre and the Casale
Due to the “acropolic” structure of the place (which recalls Athens and its classic art), the outdoor spaces are used for many social, cultural and artistic activities that revolve around Professor Antonio Meneghetti. The amphitheatre is surrounded by a wonderful iron sculpture, as if to help flying in the valley below. It hosts many outdoors activities, such as concerts and conferences, in all seasons. The Casale is an old house, totally rebuilt with state – of – the – art techniques. It is usually used when the weather doesn’t allow for any outdoor activity. This structure is equipped to show films and it is also equipped for simultaneous translation, which is necessary for all the international activities attended by people from all over the world (especially Russia, Brazil and China).
antonio meneghetti,
Antonio Meneghetti interview
Professor Antonio Meneghetti, why have you chosen Lizori?
“If the architecture of a place is such because it‘s mental order, then it is clear that I found it rewarding to rebuild this wonderful place belonging to the past for the human being of the third millennium. In Lizori, everyone can discover himself as part of life”.
antonio meneghetti,
Have you ever been in Lizori?
Lizori is a small village in the Italian region called Umbria, layed on a green hill that faces Spoleto's valley.
Walking by the streets of Lizori, several sculptures can be observed. These handmade objects have been realized by the components of OntoArte, the artistic expression of Ontopsicologia (Ontopsychology). Lizori itself can be considered the main masterpiece of OntoArte of Professor Antonio Meneghetti.
antonio meneghetti,
“The Ontology of Architecture.” What does this mean? We are at the OntoArte gallery in Trevi, where the seminar is being held, and the immediacy of the artwork on display – the functional aspect of the white panel painted black and red – conceals true poetics: a mental architecture called Ontopsychology. During the conference, the words of Prof. Meneghetti, the leader of the OntoArte movement, expressed another important theme that was revealed by his works. The serene critique of denunciatory art in favour of art that praises beauty is backed by philosophical and sociological explanations. It is a perspective of creative intuition that sees, recognizes and elevates the local criterion of formal beauty. “Consumerism places us in a culturally impossible situation,” he explains. “Banks, local capitalists and politicians try to give work to everyone in order to avoid social tension. Mass democracy has replaced the patronage of the ancients. We are in the throes of serial production and consumerism is ruining consumers.” Lizori comes to mind, a place where, along the streets and alleys, in place of house numbers we find the homeowners’ names painted on ceramic tiles. It is a hamlet in which one can easily see paintings and sculptures, and observe how nature and construction have emerged to nourish the particular presence that is evident in the air, a presence known as genius loci. He notes, “It is a place where nature formalizes its way of being and encountering in order to become the contemporaneity of the universal spirit and the historical function that has been identified.” The seminar brochure notes: “One cannot be a collaborator of civilization without knowing the ontological criterion.” In short, it is a true modus operandi. It will be interesting to use the ontology of architecture as a starting point for building civilization. Along these lines, one of the comments at the conference is inspiring. “Within OntoArte we find the restoration of simplicity, spontaneity and aesthetic sensitivity. If we were to base things on the criterion of beauty rather than that of conformity (right or wrong, good or bad), the world would be a better place.”
The “Ontology of Architecture” event, promoted by the International OntoArte School Association at the art gallery of Torre Matigge of Trevi and sponsored by the Region of Umbria, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists of the Province of Perugia, and the Lizori Civic Committee, ended on 15 July 2007 and was an enormous success. The event was held during two full-immersion weekends, in which a series of educational experiences allowed participants to examine the dynamic architecture of Prof. Antonio Meneghetti, who has been in the international scientific limelight for many years. The event included conferences, live planning sessions assisted by technicians open to dialogue, historic/architectural documentaries of projects ranging from individual design objects to architecture and urban planning, critical reports on the Bauhaus and the issues that the great names in architecture have always investigated, and slides about Antonio Meneghetti’s international production, culminating in the author’s closing conference examining the basic rules on which architecture is based. During the conference, Meneghetti noted, “I would like to form a worldwide group of architects based on the concept of OntoArte,1 i.e. capable of bringing the technique of draughtsmanship and formalization into the heart of truth, life and everything that has to do with health: in other words, a group capable of bringing rationality within man’s ontic In-itself.” He went on to explain that “the ontic In-itself is the genome. It is like the intelligent universe that plans human beings, the being as a person, society and cosmos. One cannot build a civilization for mankind if one is not first aware of the criterion, the element and the basic plan of what man is.” In fact, humans are not born from chaos but from causality and will, and if they form part of this ‘insight design’ of how the eternal nature of things has planned them and loves, protects, maintains and develops them, then – as scholars, technical experts and thus architects – they can become collaborators of civilization, beauty, order, ethics and everything that is encompassed by the human existence. In essence, if one does not know nature’s plan, by the same token one cannot design architectural beauty. Indeed, the term “architecture” refers to the principle that projects form. As a result, it is even more important that architects be made aware of the ontological aspect of their work. “Therefore, anything that is done must always have an ontological connection, in other words a connection with the being that man is according to nature’s plan. A house, a garden, a staircase, a studio or a terrace must be enhanced senses, developed perceptions. In other words, the house must be our second body or even an expansion of the small body of the human being, from which we must be able to achieve the progressive amplitude of an ever-larger space in which to experience our own territorial psychology.” A highly stimulating intellectual atmosphere allowed participants to re-experience the spirit of the creative workshop of the Renaissance encouraged by the Bauhaus and Renzo Piano alike. This powerful meaning, so simple that it seemed impossible to understand because it was forgotten by the great perennial culture, that of Aristotle and Leonardo, became topical once more: manna for those who were willing to accept it. The pedagogy of a Maestro who, with his works, fully demonstrates the underpinnings of the ontopsychological culture and finally recognizes an operating criterion for design, one that has vanished from the media because of rampant consumerism, can still be found in all the geniuses who – on a transhistorical level – bear witness to the value of the human being. It is a shame that these values, which would restore to young people the operative scope of a profession, have vanished from the media due to widespread political indifference. By the same token, it is important that this kind of cultural and scientific testimony be available to attentive minds capable of grasping the vital challenge of responsibly playing a leading role in their eras. “This ontological architecture or, in other words, working according to the ontic project of each individual, must be provided above all when people join together as a society and create monuments, parliaments, churches, gyms, football pitches, theatres and so on.” This event led to a proposal for the critical interpretation of a current work, a monument that is representative of Italy’s architectural heritage: the Ara Pacis in Rome. No one likes the current renovation, particularly Italians, and Antonio Meneghetti’s solution would be a glass pyramid, a symbol that has always testified to the eternal value of human knowledge. Public attendance at the event continued to grow, culminating with 150 paying participants during the last weekend. Despite the fact that the event mainly targeted an Italian audience of students, graduates and professionals working in this field, it was rewarding to note that it was also attended by architects, interior designers, gallery owners and important businesspeople from Brazil, Russia, Latvia, England and other countries. One cannot help but wonder if this foreign turnout was due to the cultural novelty of the event or the publicity it gained as a result of the interest shown by the UN in Geneva in early July of this year regarding the Annual Ministerial Review. The AMR presented the results of two urban settlements created with scientific, artistic and cultural objectives in mind, respectively in Latvia and Brazil, and designed by this great mind ahead of his time. The main interest focused on the innovation that this business angel can create, i.e. economic cooperation between private and public organizations in order to restore or create new urban settlements, above all due to the enormous difficulty involved in establishing an economy that can endure during the time it is carried out, that avoids creating a cathedral in the desert and is capable of guaranteeing complete insertion and the revitalization of the local population involved. Fascinating, innovative and full of operating solutions with a broad range of applications in the social arena, this event marks an important step in Italy’s cultural life.
antonio meneghetti,
mercoledì 24 ottobre 2012
Antonio Meneghetti, with Ontopsychology, discovered three psycological elements (the ontic In-itself, the semantic field and the deflection monitor) to use with
Presentation of the book "Cinelogy Ontopsychological"
At the 7th edition of the Fair Book of
Rome "More books, More Freedom", the conference "Cinema and
Society: The New Borders" will take place with the presentation of the new
edition of the book "Cinelogy Ontopsychological, already for some years
and text subject of study for a seminar entitled Cinelogy: Cinema and
Unconscious active at the The Chair of Sociology advanced course, Faculty of
Sociology at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Lecturer Paolo De Nardis, from
University La Sapienza of Rome, will be present. The event will take place
Sunday December 7 from 14.00 to 15:00 in Rubino Room 15:00(1st floor), Congress
Palace, Roma EUR, Viale Kennedy, 1.
The Conference is free and open to all
visitors of the Fair (Fair admission ticket 6 Euro). The Ruby Room should be
accessed at least 15 minutes before the event.
The ontopsychological approach to education provides tools to analyze the
basic code of life, the ontic In-itself, which everyone possess innately in order to build own social
and responsible personality.
Buy the book of Antonio Meneghetti - PEDAGOGIA ONTOPSICOLOGICA - Ontopsychological pedagogy - to learn more.
antonio meneghetti,
ontic in-itself,
Petrassi Hall
After 15 years, Maestro Antonio Meneghetti comes back to Rome to play his OntoArte and does it in great style at the Sala Petrassi (Petrassi Hall) of the Auditorium Parco della Musica (Auditorium Music Park). In his expressions, music is a lyrical moment and, through the concert, one lives the evidence of being in a single identity, you and I, the other and I, Being and I. A worldwide highly regarded concert artist, his fund of experience includes all musical educations. In particular, percussion technique, the spirituality of the Gregorian chant, the metaphysics of Indian music, the polyphonic chorale and classical orchestration, with its relative composition and decomposition. Maestro Antonio Meneghetti’s artistic discourse begins from a saturation of the teaching that is still held as valid in the most serious academies. As he himself, states, “But at that point, a choice becomes necessary: if we want to live on far stretching spaces, without destroying the preceding one, or you must create a new universe”. While Bach would maintain that no artist could go beyond the two horizons, Meneghetti proves to be able to create the movement of the third horizon. Those who know the technique of music (or of composition, or of a way of playing) could consider OntoArte music as a kind of improvisation without conscious rationality. In truth, it is the direct reading of a vision, which is familiar to him; there, the evocation of the universal transcendence is cadenced in a dialogue with the human being’s In-itself. Every passage is exactly calculated, the timbres and the tonalities are coloured with multi-sided variables with reference to an exact intuition. There is no room for improvisation, “We just let an order, which is always present, glide behind an apparent chance”. Antonio Meneghetti’s experience shows the capacity of reading the musical pathos in the space of a second. Then, music is not invented. It is found again.
lunedì 15 ottobre 2012
Ontopsychological research
Ontopsychological research has demonstrated that it is impossible to know the world of life not on account of an intrinsic limit of human nature or rationality, but due to a problem of consciousness, which deforms man’s approach to knowing himself, others and the world. In other words, the worlds of life lies outside the reach of consciousness, because consciousness exists in one realm, reality in another.
domenica 14 ottobre 2012
Concert of Antonio Meneghetti at the National Opera House in Riga
Riga – Maestro Antonio Meneghetti performed in Riga for the first time, with a concert for piano and synthesizers held at the prestigious venue of the National Opera House, a treasure of Latvian architecture inaugurated in 1863. The Maestro’s previous performance was held exactly four months ago, on 8 December 2006, in the Sala Petrassi at Rome’s Parco della Musica, the largest auditorium in Europe and recently declared the most important auditorium in the world. The Rome concert was held under the patronage of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia, one of the world’s oldest musical institutions (founded in 1585), which thus recognizes the Maestro’s musical and artistic validity on an international level. On the stage of the Main Hall of the Latvian National Opera House, Maestro Meneghetti performed on piano and electronic keyboards, interpreting his profound knowledge of classical music in modern tonalities. Meneghetti has received the Italian government’s Prize for Culture three times and is a member of the academic senate of the International Academy of Modern Art. His artistic approach stems from the consummation of the teachings of the most highly regarded academies. As Meneghetti himself affirms, “In music one must decide whether to live in spaces of advancement, without destroying what came before, or create a new universe.” Indeed, his music, which has made him a famous concert artist who is in demand around the world, rigorously takes all musical backgrounds into account, from percussion techniques to the spirituality of Gregorian music and from the metaphysics of Indian music to polyphonic choral music, without overlooking classical orchestration and its composition and decomposition. Based on these conditions, Meneghetti has developed his own musical art that respects classical academic precepts yet is also connected to seeming improvisation. The latter is a divergence that, according to the artist, is the quintessential “instrument” with which one can go beyond the “two horizons” that Bach considered insurmountable and with which musical pathos can be grasped, moment by moment. According to Meneghetti, “With the movement in the ‘third horizon’ music is not invented but rediscovered with the person who is capable of listening to it. Music is the action of the soul; it is an order of life that lyrically courts our sentiments.” Meneghetti’s concert attracted music lovers from around the world – Italy, Brazil, Russia, Germany, England and the Baltic countries – as well as ministers, politicians and important social figures in Latvia. For all enthusiasts who are constantly in search of innovative musical experiences, this concert in Riga was unquestionably a unique experience not to be missed in order to gain first-hand knowledge of the music of this eclectic artist.
sabato 13 ottobre 2012
European knowledge ...
European knowledge is like the oil in Arabic countries: one has to know how to extract and refine it. However, the issue is the following: does reversibility exist between what is taught at university and what the professional world demands? Can professors really teach the practical meaning of work? The answer offered by the ontopsychological viewpoint: FOIL Management.
The Convention, held at the office of the European Parliament in Italy last May19th, has been Supported by the Office of the European Parliament in Italy, the Ministry of Education, of University and Research, Rome University “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Sociology, the Region of Lazio, the Province of Rome and the local Government of Rome, in addition to the Consent of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. It represents the nth leaf of the profitable collaboration between the European Ontopsychology Association and Rome University “La Sapienza” I Chair of Sociology, as the chairperson of the debate, Prof. Paolo De Nardis, director of the I Chair of Sociology and president CATTID, Rome University “La Sapienza”, pointed out1. It is a very topical and impelling subject for the future of our old continent: the European harmonization of the regulation of professions and respective courses of study. The main theme is the need to have an extremely concrete relationship between instruction and working experience, a stronger need in Italy than in the other European countries. It is an important possibility for comparison and the proposal of the ontopsychological view regarding culture, work, and making the young responsible for their own life2.
“The institutional” interventions have emphasized a series of successes, reforms, innovations (also with some disagreement), but everybody has come to a standstill before the evidence that university, studies and formative courses can give something, but not all. Although several efforts have been made, we have felt the sense of an incomplete, vain answer.
Let us try to understand why.
Although the Italian didactics Reform of the “3+2”, has increased the formative profiles – offering “slimmer” courses which are more easily put into practice in the work market – it has obtained a favourable opinion, but a lot of problems have arisen for which several solutions have been suggested. For example, it has been said that a lot of formative profiles risk being dispersive for young people if not based on a precise cultural design. They have also said that the “3+2” has reduced the distances from the work market and professions, but Italy is still suffering from a University which is not a top priority in the government political programs and that only by investing in education, the real structural heart of the problem, will we be able to define an accurate and European profile of professions. Moreover, several disciplines from the five year bachelor’s degree are in the three year courses, and in this way, the student is “bombarded” with information and has no time to synthesise what he is learning.
Actually, if we look at the problem from the ontopsychological viewpoint we can identify where the difficulty is: the institutions keep on encouraging individual welfarism, which causes the mitigation of responsibility in the young. Nevertheless, today, what are the choices and the opportunities for a young person? It is the development that creates the professions, and not vice versa, i.e. there is no course at the end of which our life can be settled. To nurse the infantile idea that there is a prearranged road made of guaranteed stages in our life, which soon become demands – such as degree, open-end contract, and retirement – for the young is equivalent to digging a grave that, before being professional, is psychological. Therefore, the truth is that institutions are not able to keep pace with what instead the individual by himself is able to produce.
Posing the question correctly, the ontopsychological education gives a suitable answer too. The time of education needs a culture of value, a specific forma mentis that goes beyond learning seen as a deposit of knowledge and technical abilities, these are certainly necessary, but are not sufficient unless the individual also has a foundation of conscience, health and functionality. Without these requirements, the world of work is probably only a pipe dream or a place people reach through cooptation and nepotism. Education is a setting up of personality: there is a similitude between to be able to do and to be able to be. It is therefore essential to include a space dedicated to the study and development of personality in any instruction. It is indispensable to promote knowledge, which is the mainstay of the person’s functional evolution to the elaboration of construction and social responsibility. At this point, the question comes up: What is the personality? In addition, how can we speak of personality without facing the topics of what are the psyche and the unconscious too? Could this gap actually be the determining factor that often causes young people to confuse illusions with motivations? Their own emotional deficiencies with concrete existential prospects?
Besides, we must not forget Europe. Italy has adopted with the 2005 communitarian law (carried out from 25 January 2006) the directive on the professional qualifications. Today, where working in France or Germany is like working near home, we speak about the necessity of harmonization, i.e. to create some legislative systems regulating education and work in a compatible way between one State member and another. In this sense, the establishment of the triennial bachelor in Italy could be in contrast with a few movements of the professions reorganization on a European scale. The institutional architecture of “3+2” has only a superficial homogeneity that, not only in Italy but also in other countries, has actually led to different solutions.3 However, here there is another problem: other foreign university structures, even though prestigious or connected to valid business stages, are looking for answers too. As if it were not enough, the problem related to the professional orders is still open. The comparison between the Mediterranean systems (supporters of orders and colleges) and the Anglo-Saxon one (where associations carry out this role) attests that now the difference is no longer so distinct and consequently it is necessary to rewrite the common rules here too. We go back to the bureaucratic solution.
The ontopsychological viewpoint shows an answer “dramatically” concrete and true on this point too: to teach the young that there is another world beyond the one they see “from the keyhole” of their home which claims them, that there are countries (for example, the Baltic ones) full of practical possibilities, resources, availability for realizing an entrepreneurial project in a few days. The solution is to give the young a universal humanistic culture (in which Europe is immensely rich) which shows them an overview of truth without illusion? and that, in last analysis, makes them responsible as builders of their own existence. So the culture must recover an ontological dimension that enables everyone to control the logical reason of truth, i.e. to know the way of doing, to know the logic. The institutions should help in this sense, putting some instruments at our disposal, giving a general survey of truth. Anyway, the individual has the greatest responsibility regarding his own existence.
We can agree that it is necessary to have a minimum of common European cultural base on which every State may prepare itself as it likes, and that the continuous learning and the adaptation to the various social systems of reference is very important too, since technology advances very fast on all the professional levels and the professional categories. However, we do not agree on the excessive bureaucratization of knowledge and on the fact that people think of waiting for the final solution always coming down (Italy or Europe indifferently). We are all waiting for answers, but what is the question?
The ontopsychological education catches the end of a skein again: does reversibility exist between the contents taught at university and what the professional world demands?
Can professors really teach the practical meaning of work?
Once again, there is a realistic, tangible, and accomplishable answer: FOIL management. There are twelve modules, entrepreneurs from every field and “apprentices leader” together in the same classroom, everyone with his own wealth and problems. Up front, an educator whose role is “to watch over” this circularity of osmosis, in a continuous feedback of people who are already in the world of work, that allows hic et nunc to verify the realistic advantage (what is not useful is modified) and the reversibility of the subjects dealt with. This allows measuring carefully which contents to deal with and to which depth. However, there is a further ingredient: there where one can discover a specific attitude, the entrepreneur himself becomes the object of formation and put himself in the teacher’s shoes. Therefore, not only a continuous adjustment and updating of the programs content, but also a direct transmission from those who are out there every day, risking, investing with responsibility and sacrifice their own time and money. And the effects are evident and speak for themselves: the project not only suits any profession, but it is also “exported”, with a certain flexibility (the program is three-quarters mutual and for a quarter changes in accordance with the country where it occurs), in other countries (Baltic Republics, Brazil, Germany), in a formative process of a really international and interdisciplinary nature. The purpose is to create a sort of European university, maintaining the aspect related to the subject of psychology unchanged. The method used by FOIL is the ontopsychological one, an interdisciplinary methodology suited to any profession, in whichever nation. Once the research is finished, maybe the FOIL Management course will result in a diploma. This didactic experimentation could replace a lot of American MBAs and give a European connotation.4
European knowledge is like the oil in Arabic countries: one has to know how to extract and refine it because the world of work includes some operators that allow for individual accomplishment to a purpose that is greatly social for everybody. The fact that the FOIL Management project, originating from a private initiative, is also able to open the way to the public institutions can depend on everyone who is reading too. In fact, one thing is sure: the answers are there, it is enough to want them and start working on them.
1 An important Convention on ‘Cinelogy: Cinema and the Unconscious’ has held at the Conference Room of the Rome University “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Sciences of Communication on 26th May 2005, in which cinema has been analyzed by the ontopsychological point of view. Cf. New Ontopsychology Review, n.1/2-2005, Psicologica Ed., Rome, pp. 38-45.
2 Next to the exponents of the Italian university world – such as Prof. Renato Guarini, Chancellor of the Rome University “La Sapienza”, Prof. Mario Morcellini and Prof. Luciano Benadusi, Deans respectively of the Faculty of Sciences of Communication and the Faculty of Sociology of the Rome University “La Sapienza” – have also intervened at the debate, after the thanks by the Officer of the European Parliament Dr. Orazio Parisotto, MP Stefano Zappalà, a member of the European Parliament and reporter both of the Directive for the Acknowledgment of Professional Qualifications and the Directive on the Public Contracts, and FOIL, in the persons of Dr. Pamela Bernabei (Consultant Coordinator FOIL and A.I.O. - International Ontopsychology Association) and Dr. Luca Morotti (FOIL Consultant), with the contribution of Andrea Pezzi, a famous television presenter, as an expert in communication and mass media, as well as operator of Ontopsychology.
3 For example, it is enough to say that “3+2” is the Bachelor Master (BM) in Europe, because it is the English model of Bachelor and Master, but in England, the Bachelor is not so professional a level as the triennial degree is seen to be in Italy.
4 Concerning this, the myths of the American universities and the English ones of Oxford and Cambridge ought to be exploded. Some research has underlined that the latter are the universities with the lowest level of knowledge. On the contrary, in the German school, – for example - theory is side by side with practice by work experience in a company, and a young person has to demonstrate having carried it out in order to find a job at the end of his studies. This is interesting, because a young person gets into the habit of a condition of sacrifice and responsibility. Acting, instead, like the French young people with their protest against the Contract of First Employment means not caring for risk and living on the illusion that the enterprise is obliged to give one a job.
The telegram sent to the European Ontopsychology Association
The telegram sent to the European
Ontopsychology Association by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio
“The Convention entitled ‘University Instruction and Professions: Towards a Europe of Knowledge’', promoted by your Association, is an occasion of reflection and comparison on a topic of cultural and social significance. Innovation, search, and education are determining factors of growth, cohesion, and integration for coping with the challenges of an open and globalized society in continuous evolution. With this awareness the President of the Republic gives the organizers and all the participants in the meeting a cordial salute and wishes everybody good work.”
“The Convention entitled ‘University Instruction and Professions: Towards a Europe of Knowledge’', promoted by your Association, is an occasion of reflection and comparison on a topic of cultural and social significance. Innovation, search, and education are determining factors of growth, cohesion, and integration for coping with the challenges of an open and globalized society in continuous evolution. With this awareness the President of the Republic gives the organizers and all the participants in the meeting a cordial salute and wishes everybody good work.”
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